‘Control’ is a commentary on the innate human desire for control and works to unravel the reality that it’s the one thing that we never, truly, have. As you listen to the song, heavy synths and pulsing drums tell the story of our narrator as he drifts between a dream state and the realities of the things he can’t control in life. Most of the song carries a hypnotic beat meant to lull the listener into a sense of predictability as they can tell where the song is going, before ripping that control away as the song ends. With a compulsive bassline steadying the track and synthetic vocals ominously looping overtop, the track aims to leave the listener with an unsettled feeling about the control that we truly never had in the first place.
Back in 2020, a hard drive containing 25+ mostly finished songs was corrupted damaging all the files inside. After numerous efforts to restore the files, nothing was recoverable and JD Laird was stuck with a decision; give up on the passion project that had taken him the last 3 years to build to that point or start again. He began to reconstruct all of the recorded parts from scratch and after a long mental battle, in 2022, he decided it was time to finally share Millo with the world. ‘Control’ was written, performed, recorded, and produced by JD Laird in Rochester, NY.more