Nicholas Morgan (born June 1st, 1997) is an American rapper and songwriter known professionally as oNE Nuke. Who is quickly on the rise to being a household industry name and is considered an inspiration to his hometown Atlanta, GA. In his number 1 hit song titled Patience, he shows how 'Patience' is a virtue and good things come to those that wait. After reaching 1 mil. plays on Apple Music, 800K on Soundcloud, and 70K plays on his Music Video, he knows this is only the start of more success to come.
Nicholas Morgan (born June 1st, 1997) is an American rapper and songwriter known professionally as oNE Nuke. Who is quickly on the rise to being a household industry name and is considered an inspiration to his hometown Atlanta, GA. In his number 1 hit song titled Patience, he shows how 'Patience' is a virtue and good things come to those that wait. After reaching 1 mil. plays on Apple Music, 800K on Soundcloud, and 70K plays on his Music Video, he knows this is only the start of more success to come.