DutcH KinG oF aLL FuNkiNesS..
Spinnin' & Rockin' parties since prehistoric times..
A Funky Rebellion Fighting the Dark Side of Disco..
".. and just love my $h!t EcLeCtiC, FuNKy & OLd-$KooL" !!!
Already in the 90s called "The Fatboy Slim Of The Lowlands''
DutcH KinG oF aLL FuNkiNesS..
Spinnin' & Rockin' parties since prehistoric times..
A Funky Rebellion Fighting the Dark Side of Disco..
".. and just love my $h!t EcLeCtiC, FuNKy & OLd-$KooL" !!!
Already in the 90s called "The Fatboy Slim Of The Lowlands''