Mexican proactive poet rapper.
Brand of music is versatile but aims for more deeper discussion. Substance abuse, addiction, street life,mental health, and sacrifices are the kind of soulful treasures you’ll usually hear. music isnt just a platform portal to exorcise her own demons, you get the impression that 6karin is just as interested in healing
her fans as she is herself. Displaying incredible passion that’s only tapped into when you’re speaking from an open heart, and with an innate talent for words.
Mexican proactive poet rapper.
Brand of music is versatile but aims for more deeper discussion. Substance abuse, addiction, street life,mental health, and sacrifices are the kind of soulful treasures you’ll usually hear. music isnt just a platform portal to exorcise her own demons, you get the impression that 6karin is just as interested in healing
her fans as she is herself. Displaying incredible passion that’s only tapped into when you’re speaking from an open heart, and with an innate talent for words.