P-Square, a musical group of indentical twins, Peter and Paul Okoye. The duo began their music and entertainment career mimming and dancing in various shows and church events in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria where they grew up. In 2001, while at the University of Abuja, at a talent show competition they won the "Golden Tones - up & Coming Band" competition with the track "Kolo" from their debut production. This quickly shot them into prominence and
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P-Square, a musical group of indentical twins, Peter and Paul Okoye. The duo began their music and entertainment career mimming and dancing in various shows and church events in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria where they grew up. In 2001, while at the University of Abuja, at a talent show competition they won the "Golden Tones - up & Coming Band" competition with the track "Kolo" from their debut production. This quickly shot them into prominence and