Spoken Word
It’s no secret that Gradschool’s Spree Israel, Redstorm, Koop and C-Note P has strong backgrounds in the Hip Hop, Spoken Word, an R & B field. Gradschool has explored every avenue in the music field individually. They have performed with a lot of the industries most talked about artist, an the most popular venues in the hip hop market. Determined to survive on the streets of Chicago without having to step away from what they do best Rap, Sing Spoken Word and Produce Music.
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Spoken Word
It’s no secret that Gradschool’s Spree Israel, Redstorm, Koop and C-Note P has strong backgrounds in the Hip Hop, Spoken Word, an R & B field. Gradschool has explored every avenue in the music field individually. They have performed with a lot of the industries most talked about artist, an the most popular venues in the hip hop market. Determined to survive on the streets of Chicago without having to step away from what they do best Rap, Sing Spoken Word and Produce Music.
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Fight Fa
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fight fa is 🔥🤘 i got a couple hits and albums of music too . check out my catalog for me #SpreadLoveDontHate
3 years ago
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