TTNG, previously known as This Town Needs Guns, are a small collection of human beings often seen upsetting the patrons of German discothèques, with what can only be described as dancing. They consider themselves friends but are often referred to as a cult and sometimes even a 'band'. As part of their cult like tendencies, they ritualistically write musical compositions in order to please their spiritual leader Dr Kenneth Bobo. Although the identity of Dr Kenneth Bobo still remains a mystery
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TTNG, previously known as This Town Needs Guns, are a small collection of human beings often seen upsetting the patrons of German discothèques, with what can only be described as dancing. They consider themselves friends but are often referred to as a cult and sometimes even a 'band'. As part of their cult like tendencies, they ritualistically write musical compositions in order to please their spiritual leader Dr Kenneth Bobo. Although the identity of Dr Kenneth Bobo still remains a mystery
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