.1. “...Inspired by everyone from Throbbing Gristle via GISM to Integrity, Vegas’ brand of traditional metalcore is complemented by an edgy willingness to experiment, as well as a slew of subversive conceptual activity...”
Vegas gave life to their artistic vision shortly after the dawn of the new millennium. With creative fires ignited by the physically confrontational nature of Japanese punks G.I.S.M. via the unrepentant early-80's ferocity of bands like Life's Blood and Negative Approach
10 members
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.1. “...Inspired by everyone from Throbbing Gristle via GISM to Integrity, Vegas’ brand of traditional metalcore is complemented by an edgy willingness to experiment, as well as a slew of subversive conceptual activity...”
Vegas gave life to their artistic vision shortly after the dawn of the new millennium. With creative fires ignited by the physically confrontational nature of Japanese punks G.I.S.M. via the unrepentant early-80's ferocity of bands like Life's Blood and Negative Approach