Wild'S Reprisal
http://www.wildsreprisal.com/ Wild’s Reprisal is the solo project of Gedden Cascadia. The music is reflective of deeply held ecocentric beliefs and a commitment to deep ecology. The focus of this music project is to inject a level of intellectualism into a genre rife with bands professing a love and connection with the natural world. Yet, how many of these individuals in these bands take this alleged love for the natural world and turn it into action to protect the biotic communities of this planet? As Humanities crushing footstep increases
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Wild'S Reprisal
http://www.wildsreprisal.com/ Wild’s Reprisal is the solo project of Gedden Cascadia. The music is reflective of deeply held ecocentric beliefs and a commitment to deep ecology. The focus of this music project is to inject a level of intellectualism into a genre rife with bands professing a love and connection with the natural world. Yet, how many of these individuals in these bands take this alleged love for the natural world and turn it into action to protect the biotic communities of this planet? As Humanities crushing footstep increases
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The whisper of leaves.
The rustling of leaves, whispering in between. The stories they share and the secrets they keep.
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Haunting, evocative and entrancing. The subtle layering of different parts is just exactly, perfectly right, the use of space to create that glorious reverberation swells my heart, and it is just swoonably to die for. Oddly enough, the use of space and emptiness as an instrument in itself brings to mind a John Fahey bootleg of "Dance of the Inhabitants" where he plays the room's sound as much as he does an amplified Weissenborn lap steel, creating an immersive experience - but "The Whisper of Leaves" is the contemplative, still small Yin to Fahey's Dionysian Yang. This is simply beautiful, and thank you!
2 years ago
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