"Blank Canvas! This track game from a challenge where we had no prompt to guide us. Starting a piece of music from scratch can be a challenge and it often helps to have a prompt to get things going. This week I challenge you to come up with something without this aid. So, other than the 5 minute jam limit, there are no rules and no other limitations. Take this chance to make a jam in that style you always wanted to try, go minimal or break out all the toys. Chilled, heavy, slow, fast… anything goes. The prompt is up to you. Have a great time, and let us know what the inspiration was behind your jam. Please keep jams around the 5 minute mark (The only rule) and have fun. Cheers!!"
But, I just turned on the machines and started jamming, and recorded that instead. I've been away with work, so it was just really good to get back and switch everything on, and let loose a little bit through the sounds and the journey. Some techno bangingness.more