John Wynberg
Mullumbimby NSW, Australia
Colours was recorded, mixed and mastered in Mullumbimby, Australia by Ohad Rein and crosses genres of Folk Rock and Soft Rock. I’ve been wanting to release an album for ages and now it's finally out there! Some of the lyrics have been in my head for years and some came together in the studio. As an older songwriter I am credentialed to explore how quickly time passes, as in the song “Red River Road” yet life still offers the opportunity to be “more then it seems.” The tempo of the album moves from fun and upbeat as in The Byron Song, (a gesture to living life in the Byron Bay Hinterland,) to the pulsing and hypnotic bass line in the title track Colours. I acknowledge that I have no comprehension of the great depths of depression that some people have to deal with, but I do understand that things can build and build during the night, as I write in Colours “Darkness all around and Blue getting fed." Fortuitously, the start of a new day can often bring new hope.
John Wynberg
Mullumbimby NSW, Australia
1 track
36 plays
Colours was recorded, mixed and mastered in Mullumbimby, Australia by Ohad Rein and crosses genres of Folk Rock and Soft Rock. I’ve been wanting to release an album for ages and now it's finally out there! Some of the lyrics have been in my head for years and some came together in the studio. As an older songwriter I am credentialed to explore how quickly time passes, as in the song “Red River Road” yet life still offers the opportunity to be “more then it seems.” The tempo of the album moves from fun and upbeat as in The Byron Song, (a gesture to living life in the Byron Bay Hinterland,) to the pulsing and hypnotic bass line in the title track Colours. I acknowledge that I have no comprehension of the great depths of depression that some people have to deal with, but I do understand that things can build and build during the night, as I write in Colours “Darkness all around and Blue getting fed." Fortuitously, the start of a new day can often bring new hope.
Joined Aug 27, 2020
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Red River Road
On Spotify, Red River Road is the second most popular song from the Colours album with currently over 1,000 streams. It tells the story of how quickly time can pass by yet life still provides opportunities to wish and to dream.more
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