Mario Pardo, known as Kur0, was born on December 1st, 1997, in Santiago, Chile. He began his musical journey at the age of 10 by playing the guitar and later expanded his skills to bass, drums, and vocals. A self-taught musician, Kur0 is always exploring new musical horizons, ranging from heavy metal to modern sounds. His experiments know no bounds.
Mario Pardo, known as Kur0, was born on December 1st, 1997, in Santiago, Chile. He began his musical journey at the age of 10 by playing the guitar and later expanded his skills to bass, drums, and vocals. A self-taught musician, Kur0 is always exploring new musical horizons, ranging from heavy metal to modern sounds. His experiments know no bounds.
"Between Ashes and Stars" is a reflection on the fragility of life and the inevitable cycle of death. In this song, I explore how life is like a sm… more