Dave Santaniello
Too old to rock & roll, too young to die - Ian Anderson/Jethro Tull – © 1976
Sometimes you have something to say even when no one is listening - Me, now
“Poetry” at 12. Guitar at 15. Piano at 17. Music college dropout, Rockstar wannabe - 18. Delivering pizza – 21. Lost – 22
Had the ridiculous idea that getting into a record company was the best chance to get signed. Somehow, I got in. And stayed for 25 years.
Got a demo deal from Columbia at 30 while I was working there. "Sorry kid, no hits."
I wrote cathartic poems and set them to music. Made me feel better. Cheaper than therapy (results are mixed).
1996 - Released EP “Blood”– sold one, gave away 200, threw out 2,299.
1997 - Inaugural John Lennon Songwriting contest – 5th place – Prize? CD player donated by my boss….jeez. Then, nothing.
25 years later, my youngest son asked me if I should do a sequel to Blood – I said “well, the fan is waiting.” So that’s where I’m at. No delusions of grandeur. And no more CDs to throw