'The Dark Jungle' (Official Video!) 2020 🎉JVR Rams, Music 2021 of Dutch Dj; JVR Rams.
✔️ Listen Now: https://open.spotify.com/artist/JVRRams (Weekly Playlist)
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⚡ JVR Rams Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jvr.rams/
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Wiki of ‘The Dark Jungle’
You are on holiday in Africa, you stay deep in the jungle. That night you go to bed and fall asleep. You are dreaming, suddenly you wake up. You hear men shouting in Afrikaans. You walk out of your cabin; it is pitch dark. The jungle is very dark there is no light anywhere, except the moon. All at once you are grabbed and dragged away by men. Your heart is beating! Suddenly light flashes through the jungle. You fall and wake up later. It is still pitch dark. The men come back and drag you through the jungle. Your heart starts pumping even faster! The trees are moving. The animals run away. The water flows faster. The stones crumble and fall down the slope. It is a mystery.
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¿Would you survive the dark jungle?
The Dark Jungle
The year 2021
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#TheDarkJungle #2021s
#JVRRams #Dutch #Dj
#Hulshorst #Official #video #artist #Africa #Afrika #Music #Jungle #Forest #Help #Rainforest #cabin #Dark #Music