The Walking Dead Drops Tomorrow at midnight. I brag about the people on this website, especially in Chh groups. I'm starting to get a little disappointed though because my last track hasn't been listened to at all. I am not really worried about whether anyone here listens to my joints because I usually get around 2,000 streams the first week I release something and I am retiring this year to focus solely on producing and running Nu Covenant Records. I am worried about all the other artists who I see are barely getting played and getting even less people judge, save, or comment on their tracks. I've promoted more Chh artists from this website on my artist page and the NCR page on Facebook than I have from anywhere else. I'm gonna continue showing love regardless of what anyone else does, but you should ask yourself what should you do as a follower of Christ. That's what we're supposed to be before anything else.
Grace and Peacemore