Post-rock, Alternative, ambient with some electronic influence. The band is already 5 years old and is currently in his 3rth era(Seven solitudE was more ambient//If seven was One was our post-rock side//SevenAndOne is still post-rock but with more electronic and a heavier side on some tracks). Laurent: Vocals, guitars, bass, synthesizer, drums & programming // Florence: Keyboard, bass, guitars, layout// Joachim: Samples, drums and percussion
Post-rock, Alternative, ambient with some electronic influence. The band is already 5 years old and is currently in his 3rth era(Seven solitudE was more ambient//If seven was One was our post-rock side//SevenAndOne is still post-rock but with more electronic and a heavier side on some tracks). Laurent: Vocals, guitars, bass, synthesizer, drums & programming // Florence: Keyboard, bass, guitars, layout// Joachim: Samples, drums and percussion
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