Enthusiastic and Hardworking describes this teenager which goes by the name of “MALODAN” who resides in a small town named Linden which is located in the country Guyana. He has the talent and the Brain capacity to entertain his fans and go up competitors in the Guyanese reggae-dancehall genre. Malodan who is known for his Aggressive Dancehall motivated style creatively captures a most of the fans in hometown. Since his first release in 2020, recording artiste Malodan has consistently been working on putting out new tracks build his fanbase and raise the bar for those working in the reggae-dancehall genre. The artiste first track ,”Don’t rush” capture a huge amount of listeners. Consistent since his first Release, He strives to reach the top shelf of Dancehall in his Country, The teenager is currently working to release more track to entertain his listeners.
Enthusiastic and Hardworking describes this teenager which goes by the name of “MALODAN” who resides in a small town named Linden which is located in the country Guyana. He has the talent and the Brain capacity to entertain his fans and go up competitors in the Guyanese reggae-dancehall genre. Malodan who is known for his Aggressive Dancehall motivated style creatively captures a most of the fans in hometown. Since his first release in 2020, recording artiste Malodan has consistently been working on putting out new tracks build his fanbase and raise the bar for those working in the reggae-dancehall genre. The artiste first track ,”Don’t rush” capture a huge amount of listeners. Consistent since his first Release, He strives to reach the top shelf of Dancehall in his Country, The teenager is currently working to release more track to entertain his listeners.