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Stars and Shadows (Band Mix)
Remix That we did around 1999 on Tascam 4 Track . Liberty Records liked the song so I figured I'd try again. Wierdly, one of the high vocal parts (me) is sped up tape, so you go up an octave or something. It sounded like I inhaled helium. Kinda fun. I can't remember how I did this. The other (real) high vocal part is Brian Reilly , a troubled kid, who later joined the navy during the Iraq War. He came over, I plopped the headphones on him, and he did the high part in one take. This is indeed a very wierd song. I played it live only once. Afterward, Two very bizarro girls gave me their phone numbers at the same time. One was a biker chick , the other was a heavily pierced Sado Masochist punk rocker . They had never spoken to me before this. This really freaked me out. I did not call them. (I'm into mellow, chill girls) But I was like "wow , someone actually listened to the lyrics, holy shit!" The lyrics were sent to me from the USS Enterprise , an aircraft carrier patrolling the gulf. I put chords to it, and made some lyrical changes, so it's a total collab. I miss this kid, he was a real pain in the ass, but man could play and sing. Fun times. more
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