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Never be the same again
This song was born during the second lockdown of the pandemic. It’s a sensual, reflective and melancholy song, which speaks of the introspective condition of a person who finds himself in a world he doesn’t want to be in and who can’t find a real purpose in life. The whole song is characterized by a sort of continuous tension that can’t find peace, the exact reflection of the subconscious of the human soul that is always looking for something new. It’s a track that tries to describe the dissatisfaction of the human soul and the incomprehension that exists between people, such as that between two lovers, which can arise from the diversity of experiences and sensations lived, for the simple fact which are not manifested or shared but are closed inside one’s subconscious. It’s also a song that wants to describe how the past can never be erased or even relived. In fact, often we would like to go back and do everything differently, but we know that this is not possible. The message of the song “Push me, pull me, do with me what you want, but never be the same again” tries to express this feeling of impossibility to change what has been and those sensations experienced in a given moment, both in love than in life itself in general. The ending is the turning point of all the tension of the song, because all these contrasting sensations lead to an inner isolation, up to the awareness that the past will never come back and nothing will ever really be like before, in a world which goes on more and more frenetically and where time waits for no one. Being aware of this in an almost rational way, even though it may seem cold and cynical, often helps us move forward in everyday life without looking back.more
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