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No Regret
No Regret - A remastered mix of music and vocals of "No Regret" by Bill Toscano There's video on YouTube The lead vocal line for the song was recorded on 1/6/21 - Insurrection Day - recording and singing against the madness while running back and forth to the TV horrified - This is a test demo video playing with the format and effects - not a final version - but I liked it so much that I'm sharing. I know I wrote them, but I need to really learn the lyrics before my next crack at it. The subject matter is necessarily awful, but here we are. At least I have a positive outlet for my anger over this shit. Love, Bill PS: Posting this today 2/11/21 - after the closing arguments of the House Impeachment Managers - Let's see what the elephants do next... PPS: If this upsets you politically, please move on. Thanks! more
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