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There's that way we used to hear That sound we used to make The orders of perceptions that felt a little strange Where we used to go to kill some time, seek a little shelter, and feel a little fine Lions in your head Devils in your bed Priest around the corner We're all in a daze I have said wrong, and I have done bad I am not proud, I am not glad Bridges burned down over my match, but I swear this time I'm putting down my gasoline Show me the World Make me the king Life could be perfect You are a Queen Feels so damn low when you live on your own Pick another card to see where our souls go Dying under weight of a world that's gone wrong It's been up on your shoulders makin' it long Dig another hole and then throw it all down Your life wasn't meant to be so much shame and all frowns Pick me up now, take me out of the dark This whole promise land's a joke and I'm so fuckin' lost Lift me right now, I'll repent for my past Just please promise me Heaven cause if not I won't last more
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