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Find The Rose x Carlfidence - Feelings ( feat Maag)
COMPLET LINK HERE : Hello We're Find The Rose, it's currently August 20th and we just released our single '' Feelings '' We are happy to be able to present it to you because we have done a real job. We wanted to create this music only by our own. We did all of the music, whether it was the composition, the mix / master, or the creation of the cover and the promotion plan. This music has traveled a long way during the composition; it was composed in Caen and then finished in Bordeaux. We then sent the file at Los Angeles to C.J's who wrote and rapped his parts for us. Cj's lyrics are inspired by the dynamic of life in Los Angeles (landscapes, people) the sound continued its journey in Mexico more precisely in Playa Del Carmen to Maag who took up the challenge of completing the tracks and creating words in English being native of Mexico the stakes were high. Maag was able to complete the game while keeping the main subject "feelings". more
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