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Pursuit of the Minimum
2nd track from Alopias Krieg's newest EP: Unself. One of my favorite songs from the album. and possibly one of my favorites to record. Enjoy! As for the story: these were all old tracks, but after compiling them and remembering my past titles related to the harsher realities of life and how we cope with it, I decided to name the album Unself, which describes how often, one can find different versions of their "self" within, including some that make you think, "Wait. I'm not like this." In particular, it was about having reactions to tragedies that are either too apathetic or too extreme. Pursuit of the Minimum is kind of like an intense pursuit just to live with slightly less pain, a tiny bit of happiness, and things going okay, but not superficially well. 2022's Nadzieja (another album of mine) was almost the opposite, but it did set up a good contrast to the pessimism of this album, despite its high energy at times.more
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