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Before the Storm
This song is about the Fall of Rome and one of Romes first sackings. There was a man named Alaric who fought for Rome as sort of a mercenary general, he fought hard and many of his visigoth soldiers died fighting alongside Rome and one of his goals was to become a full fledged Roman General and achieve glory for Rome. At the time Rome allowed for this and he had the backing of the Emperor, but when the Emperor died so did Alarics dreams of becoming a Roman General. He was told , thank you for the application but your skills do not suit our needs. Well since Alaric could not be a general for Rome he decided to pursue his Millitary career elsewhere and very soon the Visigoths crowned him their first King! Alaric returned to Rome and was one of the first of the many "Barbarian" invaders to sack Rome. This was a great story about the mistakes Rome made that led to it's downfall and I originally started writing this as sort of an allegory for modern empires, complacency is dangerous and shortly after I came up with this concept the Coronavirus hit America and it was very strange for me because I had been thinking about history repeating itself at the time and here was an event that reminded me very much of my thoughts when I was writing this song. All empires fallmore
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