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The Butterfly Effect
"The Butterfly Effect" was written by the Nashville songwriting team of Greg Matthews and Bill O’Hanlon. Luanne Hunt first discovered it while attending a songwriter round in Nashville, TN when Matthews sang it as part of his set. She said she was incredibly moved by the song and didn’t hesitate to ask Matthews for permission to record it. He told the Independent Superstars Hall of Fame inductee that the story was inspired by his relationship with his wife Jamie, who he is still madly in love with after many years of marriage. According to the popular music blog Sleeping Bag Studios, “Luanne has a genuinely special tune on her hands with ‘The Butterfly Effect.’ The writing is superb and Luanne got right to the heart of this song without question. The track is stunningly well-suited to the singer’s strengths and its mesmerizing melody is brilliantly written and produced to pure, audio perfection.” more
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