I’ve always loved music. Used to listen to CD’s on the bus rides to and from school, as well as while swinging on my swing set for hours. When my mom was married to my sisters father, he used to sit around and play guitar and I’d just sit and listen to him play. As I got a bit older, I saved up and bought myself my first guitar at like 9-10 years old. Sadly it broke soon after as it was a cheap First Act guitar from Walmart. But my mom and oldest brother bought me a BC Rich Warlock for my birthday one year. I tried and tried, but couldn’t get myself to really get it down. It sat for years unplayed before I sold it to a friend. I started playing piano back in 2020 and decided to pick the guitar back up after failing with it years ago as a kid. Got an acoustic guitar and just sat down and tried playing with a different approach than before. I’ve been having a lot of fun learning new tricks while also practicing my producing.
I’ve always loved music. Used to listen to CD’s on the bus rides to and from school, as well as while swinging on my swing set for hours. When my mom was married to my sisters father, he used to sit around and play guitar and I’d just sit and listen to him play. As I got a bit older, I saved up and bought myself my first guitar at like 9-10 years old. Sadly it broke soon after as it was a cheap First Act guitar from Walmart. But my mom and oldest brother bought me a BC Rich Warlock for my birthday one year. I tried and tried, but couldn’t get myself to really get it down. It sat for years unplayed before I sold it to a friend. I started playing piano back in 2020 and decided to pick the guitar back up after failing with it years ago as a kid. Got an acoustic guitar and just sat down and tried playing with a different approach than before. I’ve been having a lot of fun learning new tricks while also practicing my producing.