Damage Control Side A is out on Spotify now!Ihttps://open.spotify.com/album/3hSGsF5EwhyAAzKHZM2Uic?si=4NNUUpLIQBOXulOiXacUnw&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1 I have been rapping since I've been 13 years old. Recently something happened that has pushed me into over drive and I created an album that no words can describe. I grind everyday to hone my craft amd I'll keep on until I am in the spotlight I seek.
Damage Control Side A is out on Spotify now!Ihttps://open.spotify.com/album/3hSGsF5EwhyAAzKHZM2Uic?si=4NNUUpLIQBOXulOiXacUnw&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1 I have been rapping since I've been 13 years old. Recently something happened that has pushed me into over drive and I created an album that no words can describe. I grind everyday to hone my craft amd I'll keep on until I am in the spotlight I seek.