Basson Laas
Pretoria, South Africa
Growing up on a farm is South Africa, Basson had a very play full and happy childhood fuelling his imagination. Teaching himself how to play guitar he started writing his first songs when he was just 17 years old. But after years of mainly pursuing other things than music in his 20’s he decided that taking a leap on faith and trying his luck independent from a label to see if it could reap any fruits. After his first year performing fulltime in bars and restaurants, he had the opportunity to finally record his debut EP Good Morning Dreamer that released in Aug ’23 featuring his first single Tightly Bound. This year he’s got two singles lined up. The first, Worth Loving is to release this July on Friday the 19th and the second, Smile somewhere in November. “I’ve learned a lot from the release of Good Morning Dreamer that I will hopefully be able to push the boundary just a little bit more on the next releases” he says. “I realised how difficult it can be to get music heard in th
67 Influences
Brandon Flowers
The Temper Trap
Kings of Leon
Young the Giant
Cage the Elephant
Portugal. The Man
Of Monsters and Men
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
The Lumineers
Vance Joy
Sons Of The East
Mumford & Sons
Lord Huron
Iron & Wine
The War on Drugs
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Basson Laas
Pretoria, South Africa
0 tracks
0 plays
Growing up on a farm is South Africa, Basson had a very play full and happy childhood fuelling his imagination. Teaching himself how to play guitar he started writing his first songs when he was just 17 years old. But after years of mainly pursuing other things than music in his 20’s he decided that taking a leap on faith and trying his luck independent from a label to see if it could reap any fruits. After his first year performing fulltime in bars and restaurants, he had the opportunity to finally record his debut EP Good Morning Dreamer that released in Aug ’23 featuring his first single Tightly Bound. This year he’s got two singles lined up. The first, Worth Loving is to release this July on Friday the 19th and the second, Smile somewhere in November. “I’ve learned a lot from the release of Good Morning Dreamer that I will hopefully be able to push the boundary just a little bit more on the next releases” he says. “I realised how difficult it can be to get music heard in th
Joined Feb 15, 2023
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