I'm a musician, producer, promoter and DJ. I run a live show on Tampa Bay's Pulse Radio that airs Tuesday and Thursday Nights at 8pm eastern time. I'm always on the lookout for new talented musicians! If you'd like to submit music to me to play on air, get in touch with me but! be aware that I am 100% upfront and honest. Before you reach out, There's a $15 to get on the show and the podcast. If you're down with that, DM and I'll get you all the info you need.
I'm a musician, producer, promoter and DJ. I run a live show on Tampa Bay's Pulse Radio that airs Tuesday and Thursday Nights at 8pm eastern time. I'm always on the lookout for new talented musicians! If you'd like to submit music to me to play on air, get in touch with me but! be aware that I am 100% upfront and honest. Before you reach out, There's a $15 to get on the show and the podcast. If you're down with that, DM and I'll get you all the info you need.
Title Track of the newest CD. Out today on Apple Music.
Hook it up on Spotify!
And yes. That is an actual x-ray of my neck post-surgery.more