Conner Faulkner, also known as "Dyve", is an up and coming professional Rapper (Rap and R&B music) living in Los Angeles who recently made a big wave in the music industry with his own songs. He is featured on India's Top Viral 50 songs overseas, and was recently promoted by Dwayne Johnson, "The Rock" via Instagram and is currently featured on The Rock's Spotify Curated Workout Playlist with almost 1 million streams. Dyve is the son of Cody and Lynne (Gellatly) Faulkner and grew up in Wenatchee. He’s a 4th generation descendant of John A. Gellatly who helped build the original Wenatchee High School and started the first Insurance Agency in the valley, "Gellatly Agency" in 1900. His grandfather, Bruce Gellatly, worked alongside his own father Lester Gellatly and was very involved in the community.
Conner Faulkner, also known as "Dyve", is an up and coming professional Rapper (Rap and R&B music) living in Los Angeles who recently made a big wave in the music industry with his own songs. He is featured on India's Top Viral 50 songs overseas, and was recently promoted by Dwayne Johnson, "The Rock" via Instagram and is currently featured on The Rock's Spotify Curated Workout Playlist with almost 1 million streams. Dyve is the son of Cody and Lynne (Gellatly) Faulkner and grew up in Wenatchee. He’s a 4th generation descendant of John A. Gellatly who helped build the original Wenatchee High School and started the first Insurance Agency in the valley, "Gellatly Agency" in 1900. His grandfather, Bruce Gellatly, worked alongside his own father Lester Gellatly and was very involved in the community.