Sub to my new Artist Channel Started studying different forms of poetry at the age of 9 in 4th grade ( Elementary School )! I later converted that to music at the age of 12 in the 7th grade ( Middle School )! Since then I have learned to Mix & Master myself on various platforms both on the cpu and phone! I love music with a deep passion ! Thanks for your SUPPORT ! Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment, And Follow Me on all social media platforms! Subscribe to my YouTube aswell 👉🏼 👈🏼 For I have music Videos otw in which I also do on my own! Again Thanks for the SUPPORT & See you soon in your CITY !!!
Sub to my new Artist Channel Started studying different forms of poetry at the age of 9 in 4th grade ( Elementary School )! I later converted that to music at the age of 12 in the 7th grade ( Middle School )! Since then I have learned to Mix & Master myself on various platforms both on the cpu and phone! I love music with a deep passion ! Thanks for your SUPPORT ! Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment, And Follow Me on all social media platforms! Subscribe to my YouTube aswell 👉🏼 👈🏼 For I have music Videos otw in which I also do on my own! Again Thanks for the SUPPORT & See you soon in your CITY !!!
Fat joes I don’t wanna be a playa nomore sample is in this beat ! Enjoy and p.s all songs from versatile , Pt 1 was never written down all of this… more
What a great song🔥 We are a licensed and project-accepted promoter company. Our company have huge advertising bugdet and we make songs a hit via our professional team with our Spotify&Tiktok Joint Promotion Work Beatzeriser, trend YouTube and Apple Music playlists. We promote songs to appropriate prices. If you interested to making your song a hit,you can message to our Instagram account @beatzeunity