ive done a lot in my 6 years in music. all you gotta do is google me or email and ask what ive done and im simply reply so you can see my email signature. and thats not the half of it. not even close. im ready for my 15 mins.
ive done a lot in my 6 years in music. all you gotta do is google me or email and ask what ive done and im simply reply so you can see my email signature. and thats not the half of it. not even close. im ready for my 15 mins.
Hi Great work! Send me.link to your YouTube and Spotify Can you like and comment sub on my official YouTube please https://youtube.com/@Adzz303 https://open.spotify.com/artist/0xQgeEw8xsSm9WTekDYhpt?si=oUww_gTdSbqSz3GwlBCKsw