This is the first track off of my latest album, "Replenishing the Wheelbarrow"
The mix sounds better and the lyrics are more impactful if you listen while winning at air hockey. Thank you for listening. Any feedback is welcome. All of my music is free to download on Bandcamp and SoundCloud.
Call it what it is
Forced gossip and blind assumption
Spurting from the lips of someone I have never met
And if I recall correctly
No trash cans were thrown
In fact, I believe I was home
Listening to Colin Hay
What's that
You think it's not my place
Not my place to say
Well, that was yesterday
Today is not the same
He was lost in hell
This verse concerns the first person that comes to mind
Whenever I think "pitiful man-child"
The concrete was all white
The grass was locked and brittle
And the cages were fast asleep on that joyous snowy night
And if you think it's not my place
Not my point to debate
The boot-heel on my face
My podium's not blank
So, you think it's not my place
Not my place to say
Tough shit, you hypocrite
Today is not the same
It's not the samemore