Zach Williams comes from Georgia and his music comes from childhood bike rides down steep hills, the valleys of real tragedy, the rivers of hope pushing you on, sincere prayers, wind chimes on a back porch where grandfathers rock in silence, the back of cereal boxes on Saturday mornings, rust and shadows in an old barn, wet pavement after rain in the city, a string full of caught fish, the advice of generations before, the way love will surprise you in someone you’ve known for years
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Zach Williams
Zach Williams comes from Georgia and his music comes from childhood bike rides down steep hills, the valleys of real tragedy, the rivers of hope pushing you on, sincere prayers, wind chimes on a back porch where grandfathers rock in silence, the back of cereal boxes on Saturday mornings, rust and shadows in an old barn, wet pavement after rain in the city, a string full of caught fish, the advice of generations before, the way love will surprise you in someone you’ve known for years
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