I like freestyling and singing/producing/performing music. I also love leading worship, or worshiping while somebody else is leading; as long as God is being praised, I'm happy. I'm the piano player and singer in a band called Twenty4Hours, and I've got some solo stuff too on my YouTube channel Levi Troast. Support me by following Levi Troast and Twenty4Hours on Spotify ;)
I like freestyling and singing/producing/performing music. I also love leading worship, or worshiping while somebody else is leading; as long as God is being praised, I'm happy. I'm the piano player and singer in a band called Twenty4Hours, and I've got some solo stuff too on my YouTube channel Levi Troast. Support me by following Levi Troast and Twenty4Hours on Spotify ;)
aye bruh say bruh, im LIVE RIGHT NOW doing FREE music reviews!
Pull up, send your track, and see what the crowd thinks!
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