AJ Sprague resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband and 3 kids. AJ's primary focus is her music, though she's an artist of many kinds. Fluent in the ways of composing music, digital painting and drawing, video editing, and many kinds of artistic software, she got her social media start streaming video games on Twitch in 2019. Later, she branched out to sharing her art/music creations.
AJ Sprague resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband and 3 kids. AJ's primary focus is her music, though she's an artist of many kinds. Fluent in the ways of composing music, digital painting and drawing, video editing, and many kinds of artistic software, she got her social media start streaming video games on Twitch in 2019. Later, she branched out to sharing her art/music creations.
This track was written on one of those days where you just feel like everything sucks. The world is painted blue because you feel blue. Hopefully if you, too, are under a rain cloud today, this song is your umbrella <3more
This track is a look into a major manic episode of bipolar disorder among other things non-neurotypical. It sucks sometimes to feel crazy, but it makes for great creative energy too!more