I am looking for advice and ratings for the most accurate, most meaningful and best translation of the song from Croatian to US-English, which will become the official translation.
Thank you all once again, especially to those for whom American English is their native language and who speak it daily while living in the United States.
A special thanks to everyone who helps us by leaving a comment or criticism.
💔💔💔 All My Profile links on one Page: 💔 https://hyperfollow.com/UNIandMe💔
💔💔💔✨ALBUMI (Objavljeni na DistroKid-u)✨
🔥 1. Porođajne Muke - DK UPC: 198883188462 - Uploaded: October 10, 2024 (13 Songs)🙏
I am looking for advice and ratings for the most accurate, most meaningful and best translation of the song from Croatian to US-English, which will become the official translation.
Thank you all once again, especially to those for whom American English is their native language and who speak it daily while living in the United States.
A special thanks to everyone who helps us by leaving a comment or criticism.
💔💔💔 All My Profile links on one Page: 💔 https://hyperfollow.com/UNIandMe💔
💔💔💔✨ALBUMI (Objavljeni na DistroKid-u)✨
🔥 1. Porođajne Muke - DK UPC: 198883188462 - Uploaded: October 10, 2024 (13 Songs)🙏
Please read this!!! Cooperation required!!! Collaborators !!! Musical-Social Experiment!!!
This is a new version of the same son… more
I would put most of your songs in Croatian since it is acceptable in Distrokid upload. You can also promote your music using Google Blogspot free blogs. I tried BZ but did not feel like wasting 20 dollars a month when I could do the same on Free Blogger.
Please read this!!! Cooperation required!!! Collaborators !!! Musical-Social Experiment!!!
This is a new version of the same son… more
aye bruh say bruh, im LIVE RIGHT NOW doing FREE music reviews!
Pull up, send your track, and see what the crowd thinks!
📩 Submit: 1️⃣ Email Spotify link to milli@planaradiostation.com
🔥👀LIT or QUIT🚫🍿Tap in:
We are looking for collaborators for an exciting Musical-Social Experiment.
Most of the stuff can be viewed on the still unfinished website: https://uniandmerock.wixsite.com/my-site/
You can learn a lot more about this experiment in the First Three Written Blogs. The direct link to the Blog is: https://uniandmerock.wixsite.com/my-site/blog
And the first blog post is: (in order and with links)
1. Exploring emotional reactions through musical styles on ANI&Me(https://uniandmerock.wixsite.com/my-site/post/istra%C5%BEivanje-emocionalnih-reakcija-kroz-glazbene-stilove-na-ani-me)
2. Musical experiment: One lyric and six different genres in a unique and exciting ANI&Me - Project (https://uniandmerock.wixsite.com/my-site/post/glazbena-eksperimentacija-tekstovi-u-rock-hip-hop-i-r-b-na-ani-me)
3. Innovative music project ANI&Me: Emotions through different genres (https://uniandmerock.wixsite.com/my-site/post/inovativni-glazbeni-projekt-ani-me-emocije-kroz-razli%C4%8Dite-%C5%BEanrove)
Of course, the site will also include collaborators from different genres, as well as their independent projects and profiles. Given that we are inexperienced in some genres, we would really appreciate some help in the musical sense with HipHop music, Rap music, but also R&B, Country and Pop musicians. We can arrange a collaboration for one song, but we would much prefer to collaborate on the entire album of 13 songs.
Of course, when all the songs are translated from the original language. For now, we are satisfied with how the first two have been translated, and we are also working on translating the other songs.
Anyone interested in collaborating can contact us here, but also via Distrokid or other Links that are displayed on our Slaps profile.
(YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) or directly to our email: uniandmerock@gmail.com
Individual musicians or the whole band can come, it doesn't matter. The project is big and everyone who plays music, plays an instrument, sings, or does anything else - is welcome.
Of course, when all 13 songs are completed, it will be published on social networks, YouTube, Distrokid or some other service for musicians that puts music on online stores and streaming services. Or a music record label company.
All, of course, with agreements on the sharing of income and earnings.
I hope you will bravely join this project.