I started writing this song at the age of 13. Although I was never really able to finish it until the start of last year (2020).
Writing this song, I basically had to imagine what it was like to be in love, the ups n downs you’ll go through, the butterflies you’d feel and the person you would never want to be away from. And that’s probably how I viewed love back then not really knowing what it was like. Throughout the years I started switching up the lyrics into what I really think love is like and how I truly feel about it. And that’s when I realized there isn’t much to change at all. That’s because it was exactly how I imagined it to be at the start.
It’s still unreal to me to say that “I” is officially out and I have to say that this first single, would never have happened if it wasn’t for the people that have always been beside me no matter how difficult situations get. Especially during this chaotic pandemic.
There were always times where I felt like it would never work out and kept doubting but I have to thank everyone who has believed in me throughout the process. This single would never have happened without this much love and support, I really do appreciate.
A music video to look forward to and a bunch of songs waiting to be heard,
lots of love more