Seeking to create music made of the noises of the environment, softening the noises of the knives and forks at dinner. Filling up those heavy silences that sometime fall between friends.Sparing them the trouble of paying attention to their regrets. I am working on a concept album I am calling "The Signal" The Signal is a concept album involving AI, space, signals from otherworldly beings, and music's role in expressing all of the human emotions. Music is the voice of the Universe.
Seeking to create music made of the noises of the environment, softening the noises of the knives and forks at dinner. Filling up those heavy silences that sometime fall between friends.Sparing them the trouble of paying attention to their regrets. I am working on a concept album I am calling "The Signal" The Signal is a concept album involving AI, space, signals from otherworldly beings, and music's role in expressing all of the human emotions. Music is the voice of the Universe.
I am a musician / producer out of Philadelphia. This song is my latest and a little out of the norm for me. I tried too keep it simple with some pi… more