Dr Michael Lee C Sr & ITM a local Independent Christian Artist in Greater Kansas City Mo, has been in the Christian Music industry for over 30 years of his life. He is a Senior Overseer of a small ministry, self taught piano since he was 13 years old, has written over 60 songs, produced one Solo project Rendezvous, performed with other Christian artist in the Genre. Producer of other Independent Christian Artist in his local area, has received an Local Omar Awards in 2001 for "He Lifted Me". He is working on several project at once because of delays due to the death of his supportive Mother Leta M Davis, Who bought him his first Yamaha Keyboard at 13 years old.
Dr Michael Lee C Sr & ITM a local Independent Christian Artist in Greater Kansas City Mo, has been in the Christian Music industry for over 30 years of his life. He is a Senior Overseer of a small ministry, self taught piano since he was 13 years old, has written over 60 songs, produced one Solo project Rendezvous, performed with other Christian artist in the Genre. Producer of other Independent Christian Artist in his local area, has received an Local Omar Awards in 2001 for "He Lifted Me". He is working on several project at once because of delays due to the death of his supportive Mother Leta M Davis, Who bought him his first Yamaha Keyboard at 13 years old.
Everything about Eve tells the man that he is nothing without her, his world consist only of his wife, the mother, the nurturer of the family, shje is the center of everything he is and does in this life.more
This song is about the deep parts of the woman that Adam had no idea about until she wanted to open her heart and give him her true love and dedication. more
Michael Lee C Sr Streaming Adam & Eve 1st Love Project (c) 2021 ASCAP MaM Music Enterprises ASCAP Publishing Christian songs pertaining to marriage and monogamous relationship of betrothalmore