There is more than one artist with this name:
Inglorious is British Hard Rock band formed in February 2014 with their first album released in February 2016. They are inspired by Classic Rock like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Whitesnake. They recorded the first album together in the same studio to get a more realistic sound. Nathan James said: "“Why are those classic albums so awesome?” He realised it was because “the musicians were recording in an organic way; they could track it live and capture amazing energy."
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There is more than one artist with this name:
Inglorious is British Hard Rock band formed in February 2014 with their first album released in February 2016. They are inspired by Classic Rock like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Whitesnake. They recorded the first album together in the same studio to get a more realistic sound. Nathan James said: "“Why are those classic albums so awesome?” He realised it was because “the musicians were recording in an organic way; they could track it live and capture amazing energy."
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