Harley Flamez
Milton, FL, USA
Harley Flamez is from Milton Florida . She has written many lyrics over the years that have turned into songs and poetry books. She has also written a few fiction and children's books. She has many passions , music & writing being top on that list as well as photography. Harley is all about nature and loved animals. Her benevolent spirit is always ready to help anyone in need as she can. She is a Mother, grandmother, and one bad ass human being with many talents. Harley strives to be the best that she can be each day and wants to share pieces of her soul with the wild through her lyrics, music and poetry. Expressing herself through artistry is a way of life and hopes that everyone gets on board with that someday. Harley is always open to working with other musicians/artists so send a message if you wanna collaborate . Her genera is versatile as she likes all music.