Jules Marie
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Hi my name is Jules Marie. I am a vocalist/songwriter from Philadelphia, PA. I grew up all over Pennsylvania, from the Pocono Mountains all the way to the actual city of Philly and its surrounding suburbs. I started singing as soon as I could talk, and I knew from a very early age that singing and performing was something I wanted to do for my entire life. I really love what I do. And honestly, I am just constantly just trying to make 3 year old little Jules proud. I’ve come a long way from singing on top of my family’s Thanksgiving table. Now with 4+ songs on all major streaming platforms (including 2 of my own originals) and filling up my booking schedule with performances, It’s been a dream come true for the little Jules in me. Sometimes I get frustrated with myself, feeling like I could be so much more “successful” by now if I would’ve done (insert cliché way to be a successful musician here). But it’s my success story, and I am pretty proud.