Supernatural an Interlude for Jason Becker
Jason, alongside his family, their strength, their courage, their will... has been an light in the world for myself & for all. His story inspires everyone as it has me that we can do anything & overcome... His love, his passion His spirit, his heart is to me... ''Supernatural'
See to learn more
thanks for your support!
Kerry Valentine Smith/aka
Andres Hernandez III
[man among men]
Jason Becker Fundraiser
Gary Becker Poetry & Artwork
Ron Bumblefoot Thal is lead singer and guitarist of the legendary progressive rock band Asia (with Geoff Downes, Carl Palmer and Billy Sherwood), And guitarist of progressive rock band Sons Of Apollo (with Mike Portnoy, Derek Sherinian, Billy Sheehan and Jeff Scott Soto. Formerly lead guitarist of rock groups Art Of Anarchy (2011 - 2017, including STP/Velvet Revolver vocalist Scott Weiland, Creed vocalist Scott Stapp and Disturbed bassist John Moyer) And Guns N' Roses (2006 - 2014), Bumblefoot toured sold-out shows all over the world, headlining festivals with crowds up to 150,000. Bumblefoot's unique 'fretless guitar' can be heard throughout Guns N' Roses' 2008 Chinese Democracy album.
His words of support, encouragement, & faith are dearly appreciated & heartfelt....
Thank you again to Bumblefoot for his time, kind words, & grace...
“''This is a very powerful interlude left me wanting to hear more, I can't wait to hear the full music project as I would like to feature it on our Music Related Blog!"” - LHMPR Radio
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“''This is nice, it has everything a good song needs. Send your music to our demo email!''” - Wolfrage Recordings
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“''Really creative and cool track''” - Jon/jon magnusson playlists
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“''Great sound on this one. I can definitely hear the Mike Patton vocal influence. Would love to hear more!''” - MTS Management Group
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“''This is a really interesting concept, it captures a lot of ideas and a lot of sounds I feel... Its like an appetizer, I'll follow your bread crumbs and go to Spotify, to listen more closely :) all the best''” - Bambisklangperlen Media Germany
— Groover
“''This is a very hard-rocking instrumental. I love the grittiness of the guitar and drum mixing on this track''” - Duncan Holzhall/Étude Arts LLC
— Groover
“'I loved the energy and sense of atmosphere in this and the playing is great''” - York Calling UK
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“''Good drumming, energetic track, passionate performance''” - Tonic Grain
— Groover
“''This track is very original in its construction and association of electronic sounds with "very" rock drums & singing.''” - Indeflagration Media · France
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