Tim St Clair
Fort Worth, TX, USA
My music is a passion that I am always trying to better. It is my quest to write the best songs I can. The music I write really is open to how I feel and doesn't fit the mold of a certain category. My song structure will change based on my general thoughts and feelings. I look forward to the impressions and responses I receive when preforming my music for others. The focus I put into my music is more about my life experiences and fun ideas I choose to reflect upon. Not everything in life is great and I have also had those experiences develop in songs as well. I am not a person who gets influenced by substances so, I try and avoid writing or sending messages that could influence a person towards a substance of any kind. I believe having a clear mind is the best way to live and have a great life. Thanks for taking the time in getting to know me and my music!
99 Influences
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Ozzy Osbourne
Johnny Cash
Linkin Park
bob seger
Eddie Money
Joe Walsh
The Marshall Tucker Band
Sammy Hagar
Billy Squier
.38 Special
Bad Company
Don Henley
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Tim St Clair
Fort Worth, TX, USA
19 tracks
364 plays
My music is a passion that I am always trying to better. It is my quest to write the best songs I can. The music I write really is open to how I feel and doesn't fit the mold of a certain category. My song structure will change based on my general thoughts and feelings. I look forward to the impressions and responses I receive when preforming my music for others. The focus I put into my music is more about my life experiences and fun ideas I choose to reflect upon. Not everything in life is great and I have also had those experiences develop in songs as well. I am not a person who gets influenced by substances so, I try and avoid writing or sending messages that could influence a person towards a substance of any kind. I believe having a clear mind is the best way to live and have a great life. Thanks for taking the time in getting to know me and my music!
Joined Jun 7, 2022
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A Song
The story line on this song is regarding how music can trigger emotions. When hearing a New song for the first time, you many tend to listen to it a bit closer to determine the lyrics and what they are saying, also what that means to you. Then again you might be more interested in the instruments used and how the beat feels. I used a little play on words in the title and within the song- you might catch if you do focus on the lyrics. This song is about hearing a New song – in particular- “A Song” Yes I am anticipating and predicting it will be greatly enjoyed. Not only enjoyed but the listener will be blown away by the song enough to learn it and sing along. I tend to enjoy songs about rain, so I wanted to shape the image around it raining. Maybe triggering the listener to remember an enjoyable time they spent out playing in the rain. Even a light shower that brightened up their day. Possibly even an emotional time where a good rain helped you process through a heartache. All in all I hope this song finds a happy place to connect with the listener. more
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Breaking Limits
Struggles in life come in many ways, shapes, and forms. Psychological factors can go un-noticed but can still hold a place that only the individual will understand. Breaking down the limits that are psychologically created by persons, events, or circumstances are the hidden obstacles people will endure throughout life. This song celebrates the achievement of all people that have held some form of mental challenge, overcoming, and breaking the limits that previously were holding them in a certain state of limbo. May this song (Breaking Limits) inspire others that still have a mental constraint they are striving to overcome. Many Blessing to you all – I pray God holds you through your toughest times! more
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Color me
While teaching and watching your child grow into an adult, most children love to draw, color, paint, write with chalk- and most parents spend time with their child guiding them on drawing. While the child grows up, there will be many aspects of life both you and child will have managed to overcome and grow through. The parental bond forms, and memories gained are so very special. Along with the heartaches that come along with each situation. This is a reflection of shape and color- "color me" more
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